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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/Title Full text
1982Moore, J. Casey; Biju-Duval, Bernard et al.: Offscraping and underthrusting of sediment at the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
1981Moore, J. C.; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Offscraping and underthrusting of sediment at the deformation front of the Barbados ridge complex; results from Leg 78A DSDP
75%1999Lapierre, Henriette; Dupuis, Vincent et al.: Late Jurassic ocean crust and Upper Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau picritic basalts exposed in the Duarte igneous complex, Hispaniola
100%1311992Lallemand, Serge E.; Glacon, Georgette et al.: Seafloor manifestations of fluid seepage at the top of a 2000-metre-deep ridge in the eastern Nankai accretionary wedge; long-lived venting and tectonic implications
75%2000Dumas, Bernard; Gueremy, Pierre et al.: Periodicites de temps long et de temps court, depuis 400 000 ans, dans l'etagement des terrasses marines en Calabre meridionale (Italie) Long and short periodicity, from 400,000 years, of the stepped marine terraces in southern Calabria, Italy

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