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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%2003Atwater, Tanya: When the plate tectonic revolution met western North America
82%1985Takayanagi, Yokichi: Cooperative studies toward synthesizing Cretaceous micro- and mega-biostratigraphies
82%1974Churkin, Michael, Jr.: Deep-Sea Drilling for Landlubber Geologists; The Southwest Pacific, and Accordion Plate Tectonics Analog for the Cordilleran Geosyncline
82%1985Storetvedt, K. M.: The pre-drift central Atlantic; a model based on tectonomagmatic and sedimentological evidence
82%1987D'Hondt, Steven L.; Keller, Gerta et al.: Major element compositional variation within and between different late Eocene microtektite strewnfields
68%1980Laine, Edward P.: New evidence from beneath the western North Atlantic for the depth of glacial erosion in Greenland and North America
68%1993Gahagan, L. M.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Application of 3-D graphics software to plate tectonics research and resource exploration
68%1986Von Rad, U.; Sarti, M.: Early Cretaceous "events" in the evolution of the eastern and western North Atlantic continental margins
68%1979Watts, A. B.; Steckler, M. S.: Subsidence and eustasy at the continental margin of eastern North America
68%1988Manum, Svein B.: Deep-sea palynology; past and present
68%1992MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: The disappearance of inoceramid bivalves and mid-Maastrichtian ecological change
68%1987Pisias, Nicklas G.; Imbrie, John: Orbital geometry, CO (sub 2) , and Pleistocene climate
67%1968Ewing, Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar: Geophysical oceanographic studies at Lamont Geological Observatory
58%1989Vogt, Peter R.; Tucholke, Brian E.: North Atlantic Ocean basin; aspects of geologic structure and evolution
54%1991Frez, J.; Gonzalez, J. J.: Crustal structure and seismotectonics of northern Baja California
54%1991Suarez-Vidal, Francisco; Armijo, Rolando et al.: Framework of Recent and active faulting in northern Baja California
54%2001Tomkin, Jonathan H.: Erosional feedbacks and the oscillation of ice masses
50%1998Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Geochemical expressions of cyclic Neocomian carbonate sequences in the North Atlantic
50%1999Rea, David K.; Moore, Theodore C., Jr. et al.: Circulation of the Eocene Pacific Ocean
48%1988McLean, Hugh; Barron, John A.: A late middle Eocene diatomite in northwestern Baja California Sur, Mexico; implications for tectonic translation
48%1979Swincki, M. B.; Glass, B. P.: North American microtektites from the Pacific and Indian oceans
48%1990Church, W. R.: Serpentinite seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program; Dr. Hess should be pleased; discussion
48%1975Kennett, J. P.; Thunell, R. C. et al.: Correlation of Neogene volcanic episodicity recorded in marine and terrestrial deposits, western North America
48%2002Fastovsky, David E.; Sheehan, Peter M.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; a palaeontological viewpoint
48%1983Whitman, J. M.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Pacific Ocean since 74 Ma
41%2004Meyers, Stephen Richard; Sageman, Bradley: Cenomanian/Turonian orbital chronologies and burial flux estimates; calibrating the biogeochemical reconstruction of oceanic anoxic event II
41%1999Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Sensitivity of the North Atlantic Basin to cyclic climatic forcing during the Early Cretaceous
41%2010Kirschner, Joshua P.; Kominz, Michelle A. et al.: Quantifying extension of passive margins; implications for sea-level changedownload
41%2012John, Cedric M.; Banerjee, Neil R. et al.: Clay assemblage and oxygen isotopic constraints on the weathering response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, east coast of North America
41%2012Mann, Paul; Yang, Wenxiu et al.: Regional effects of the Cuban arc-continent collision on structure, stratigraphy and hydrocarbons in the deepwater, southeastern Gulf of Mexico
38%1982von Rad, Ulrich; Hinz, Karl et al.: Geology of the Northwest African continental margin
38%1995Hyndman, R. D.: The Lithoprobe corridor across the Vancouver Island continental margin; the structural and tectonic consequences of subduction
38%2002Normark, William R.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Variability in form and growth of sediment waves on turbidite channel levees
38%2011Peters, Shanan E.; Heim, Noel A.: Macrostratigraphy and macroevolution in marine environments; testing the common-cause hypothesis
34%1997Sanders, John E.; Friedman, Gerald M.: History of petroleum exploration in turbidites and related deep-water deposits
34%2003Manzer, Dominic; Abbott, Dallas H.: A large K/T crater in the Gulf of Maine?
34%2009James, Keith H.: Evolution of Middle America and the in situ Caribbean Plate model
29%2003Abbott, Dallas H.; Manzer, Dominic: Effects and implications of a proposed Gulf of Maine K/T impact
29%1997Gianniny, Gary L.; Thackray, Glenn D.: Lacustrine sedimentation and paleoclimate, Pleistocene-Holocene Lake Terreton, northeastern Snake River plain, Idaho
29%1999Kyte, Frank T.: Cretaceous-Tertiary impact ejecta; distribution, composition, and implications for impact and extinction mechanisms
29%1992Denny, Walter M., III: Seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of Mid-Cretaceous through Cenozoic rocks, southern Straits of Florida
19%2011Jaeger, John; Gulick, Sean et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 scientific prospectus; southern Alaska margin; interactions of tectonics, climate and sedimentationdownload
18%1980Chenet, P. Y.; Francheteau, J.: Bathymetric reconstruction method; application to the Central Atlantic Basin between 10 degrees N and 40 degrees Ndownload
17%1978Olsson, R. K.: Summary of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain (northern part)download
16%1995Premoli Silva, Isabella; Nicora, Alda et al.: Paleobiogeographic evolution of shallow-water organisms from the Aptian to the Eocene in the western Pacificdownload
14%1973Kulm, La Verne D.; von Huene, Roland et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 18 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Honolulu, Hawaii to Kodiak, Alaska May-July 1971download
14%1991Jacquin, Thierry; De Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic events (anoxia and hiatus) within a sequence stratigraphic frameworkdownload
14%1999Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia: The Cenozoic deep sea microfossil record; explorations of the DSDP/ODP sample set using the Neptune databasedownload
14%1983Glass, B. P.: Upper Eocene North American microtektite layer; associated radiolarian extinctions, climatic change, and iridium anomalydownload
12%1990Bouysse, Philippe; Westercamp, Denis et al.: The Lesser Antilles island arcdownload
12%1984Bouysse, Philippe: The Lesser Antilles island arc; structure and geodynamic evolutiondownload
12%1972Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy; leg 14, Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
10%1979Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Objectives of passive margin drillingdownload
10%1979Jansa, L. F.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary formations of North American Basin, western North Atlanticdownload
10%1997Brenner, Gilbert J.; Sugarman, Peter J. et al.: Data report; Miocene palynologic and climatic records, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
10%2011Bertka, Constance; Blackman, Donna K. et al.: Excutive summary; "Mantle Frontier" workshopdownload
9%1997Miller, Kenneth G.: Coastal plain drilling and the New Jersey sea-level transectdownload
9%2003Reid, Jane A.; Normark, William R.: Tufts submarine fan; turbidity current gateway to Escanaba Troughdownload
9%1995Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
8%1976Vanney, J. R.; Johnson, G. L.: Geomorphology of the Pacific continental margin of the Antarctic Peninsuladownload
8%1984Butt, Arif; Stets, Johannes et al.: Micropaleontological and sedimentological aspects of High Atlas Cretaceous onhore sediments (Atlas-Gulf, Morocco)download
8%1997Metzger, John M.; Remer, Steven C. et al.: Pass-through core measurements of magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma ray, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
8%2008Sagiya, Takeshi: ICDP workshop on borehole monitoring at the Nankai subduction zone; building a land-ocean borehole network to study the seismogenic zonedownload
8%2008Neal, Clive R.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Investigating large igneous province formation and associated paleoenvironmental events; a white paper for scientific drillingdownload
8%2008Myers, Greg: Ultra-deepwater riserless mud circulation with dual gradient drillingdownload
8%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshopsdownload
8%2008Lin, Weiren; Yamamoto, Koji et al.: Estimation of minimum principal stress from an extended leak-off test onboard the Chikyu drilling vessel and suggestions for future test proceduresdownload
7%1995Bergersen, Douglas D.: Cretaceous hotspot tracks through the Marshall Islandsdownload
7%1972Bernoulli, Daniel: North Atlantic and Mediterranean Mesozoic facies; a comparisondownload
7%1997McHugh, Cecilia M. G.: Effect of relative sea-level changes on the diagenesis of Eocene sediment; New Jersey slope and coastal plaindownload
7%2012Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycledownload
7%2013Tada, Ryuji; Murray, Richard W. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 scientific prospectus; Asian monsoon; onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau upliftdownload
7%2006Tobin, Harold; Kinoshita, Masa: NanTroSEIZE; the IODP Nankai Trough SEIsmogenic Zone Experimentdownload
7%2009Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completeddownload
7%2009Morgan, Julia K.; Silver, Eli et al.: Addressing geohazards through ocean drillingdownload
7%2009Schultheiss, Peter; Holland, Melanie et al.: Wireline coring and analysis under pressure; recent use and future developments of the HYACINTH Systemdownload
6%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.: Integrated geological and geophysical investigations of the oceanic crust; analogs for Antarctic investigationsdownload
6%2003Jarrard, Richard D.: Antarctic drilling, coring, and logging; how and why?download
6%1980Lee, Marianna (ed.); Stout, Larry N. (ed.) et al.: Legs 56 and 57 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Yokohama, Japan to Yokohama, Japan; Leg 56, September-October 1977; Leg 57, October-December 1977; Part 2download
6%1995Swinburne, Nicola H. M.; Masse, Jean-Pierre: Early Cretaceous rudist fauna of Allison and Resolution guyots, Mid-Pacific Mountainsdownload
6%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Cenozoic evolution of the New Jersey coastal plain; changes in sea level, tectonics, and sediment supplydownload
6%1983Francheteau, J.; Choukroune, P. et al.: Bathymetric map of the Tamayo transform faultdownload
6%2010McNeill, Lisa; Saffer, Demian et al.: IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE stage 2; first IODP riser drilling operations and observatory installation towards understanding subduction zone seismogenesisdownload
6%1997Sugarman, Peter J.; McCartan, Lucy et al.: Strontium-isotopic correlation of Oligocene and Miocene sequences, New Jersey and Floridadownload
6%2010Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: IODP Expedition 322 drills two sites to document inputs to the Nankai Trough subduction zonedownload
5%2003Miller, Kenneth G.; McLaughlin, Peter P., Jr. et al.: Bethany Beach Sitedownload
5%2004Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, New Jersey Coastal Plain; covering onshore boreholes as part of the New Jersey sea-level transect; Fort Mott sitedownload
5%2005Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B. et al.: The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarcticadownload
5%2011Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Hernadez-Molina, Francisco Javier et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 scientific prospectus; Mediterranean outflow; environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implicationsdownload
5%2010Edwards, Katrina J.; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 336 scientific prospectus; Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank microbiology; initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
5%1997Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Upper Eocene sequence stratigraphy and the Absecon Inlet Formation, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
5%1997Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Lower to middle Eocene sequences of the New Jersey coastal plain and their significance for global climate changedownload
5%1997de Verteuil, Laurent: Palynological delineation and regional correlation of lower through upper Miocene sequences in the Cape May and Atlantic City boreholes, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
4%2004Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact craterdownload
4%1970Weser, Oscar E.: Lithologic summary, Chapter 30download
4%2006Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Oceandownload
4%2003Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: 174AX Leg summary; sequences, sea level, tectonic, and aquifer resources; coastal plain drillingdownload
3%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1345download
3%2010Abrantes, Fatima; Hodell, David et al.: IODP drilling of the "Shackleton sites" on the Iberian margin; a Plio-Pleistocene marine reference section of millennial-scale climate changedownload
3%2010Bach, Wolfgang; Ravelo, Christina et al.: IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets (INVEST); defining the new goals of an international drilling programdownload

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