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Sigurdsson, H. and Carey, S. (1997): Explosive volcanic episodes in Central America; deep-sea evidence from drilling of ODP Leg 165

Frey, F. A. et al. (2008): Geochemical constraints on the origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean

Du Vivier, Alice et al. (2009): Seawater Os heterogeneity during the OAE2 and across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary; implications for global ocean paleocirculation

Yu, Pai-Sen and Chen, Min-Te (2011): A prolonged warm and humid interval during Marine Isotope Stage 13-15 as revealed by hydrographic reconstructions from the South China Sea (IMAGES MD972142)

Papanikolaou, Maria D. et al. (2011): A well-established early-middle Pleistocene marine sequence on south-east Zakynthos Island, western Greece; magneto-biostratigraphic constraints and palaeoclimatic implications

Barnes, J. D. and Straub, S. M. (2008): Chemical evolution of the Izu-Bonin Arc recorded by chlorine stable isotopes

Ikari, M. J. et al. (2008): Frictional and hydrologic properties of fault gouge from a mega-splay fault at the Nankai subduction zone, sampled by NanTroSEIZE IODP drilling

Anderson, L. M. et al. (2008): Integration of core and wireline data from hole U1309D, Atlantis Massif, IODP Expeditions 304 and 305

Li Li et al. (2011): A 4-Ma record of thermal evolution in the tropical Western Pacific and its implications on climate change

Wilson, Brent and Costelloe, Ashleigh (2011): Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology of the Pleistocene in DSDP Hole 148, Aves Ridge, eastern Caribbean Sea

Chang, C. et al. (2008): Constraining in situ stress tensors in the upper Nankai accretionary wedge using borehole wall failures observed in the LWD boreholes, C0001, C0002 and C0004

Brinkhuis, Henk et al. (2010): Site U1355

Maiorano, P. and Marino, M. (2008): The warm interglacial marine isotope stage 31; evidences from the calcareous nannofossil assemblages at ODP Site 1090 (Southern Ocean)

Webster, Jody M. et al. (2011): Transect RIB-02A

Charpentier, D. et al. (2011): Conditions and mechanism for the formation of iron-rich montmorillonite in deep-sea sediments (Costa Rica margin); coupling high-resolution mineralogical characterization and geochemical modeling

Sakaguchi, Arito et al. (2011): Episodic seafloor mud brecciation due to great subduction zone earthquakes

Webster, Jody M. et al. (2011): Expedition 325 summary

Johnson, Katherine et al. (2011): Impact of the middle Miocene climate transition on elongate, cylindrical Foraminifera in the subtropical Pacific

Volpi, Valentina et al. (2011): Late Neogene to recent sea floor instability on the deep Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula

Williams, Ross Hamilton et al. (2010): Testing for evidence of sea-level change during cooler climates using benthic foraminiferal analysis (IODP Exp. 313, NJ continental shelf)

Alexander, Jane L. et al. (1999): Hydrothermal sediments associated with a relic back-arc spreading center in the Shikoku Basin, recovered from the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan

Welsh, Kevin et al. (2010): IODP 318 Cenozoic East Antarctica ice sheet evolution from Wilkes Land margin sediments; preliminary results

Griffith, Elizabeth M. et al. (2011): Seawater calcium isotope ratios across the Eocene-Oligocene transition

Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen et al. (2011): Dissolution susceptibility of Paleocene-Eocene planktic Foraminifera; implications for palaeoceanographic reconstructions

Tai Jiang et al. (2009): Earthquake recurrences since late Pleistocene in Nankai Trough off Kumano; a preliminary result of Site C0006, IODP Exp. 316

Kanamatsu, Toshiyaki (2009): Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy in NanTroSEIZE coring sites, Kumano Trough; implications for the shallow sedimentary and tectonic evolutions of Kumano Trough

Webster, Jody M. et al. (2011): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Great Barrier Reef environmental changes; Expedition 325 of the mission-specific drilling platform from and to Townsville, Queensland (Australia); Sites M0030-M0058, 11 February-7 April 2010

Incarbona, Alessandro et al. (2011): Surface and deep water conditions in the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean) at the time of sapropel S5 deposition

Normile, Dennis and Kerr, Richard A. (2004): A sea change in ocean drilling; scientists launch a new drill ship and ambitious research plans

Anonymous (2010): Another step toward understanding large earthquakes and the formation of the accretionary wedge

Newkirk, D. and Martin, E. E. (2009): Changes in deep water circulation in the Pacific during and after the Miocene carbonate crash based on Nd isotopes

McCartney, Kevin et al. (2010): Early evolution of the silicoflagellates during the Cretaceous

Teagle, Damon et al. (2011): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 335 preliminary report; Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4; drilling gabbro in intact ocean crust formed at a superfast spreading rate; 13 April-3 June 2011

Murphy, Daniel Patrick (2010): Intermediate- to deep-water circulation changes on short and long time scales

Kaiser, Jerome and Lamy, Frank (2010): Links between Patagonian ice sheet fluctuations and Antarctic dust variability during the last glacial period (MIS 4-2)

Savelyev, Dmitry and Savelyeva, Olga (2009): Cretaceous paleoceanic deposits of Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula; a link between sedimentation, climate and volcanism

Mayer, Larry A. (1992): Future trends in ocean-related research; big programs? Big costs? Big thinking?

McCarthy, Francine M. G. et al. (1992): Microfossil evidence of a late glacial climatic oscillation in the surface waters off New Jersey

Moore, Ted C. (2009): The integration of paleomagnetic, litho-, and bio-stratigraphies

Rincon-Martinez, Daniel et al. (2011): Tracking the equatorial front in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean by the isotopic and faunal composition of planktonic Foraminifera

Mottl, M. J. and Hayashi, T. (2009): Fresh and salty; chemistry of sediment pore water from the New Jersey shallow shelf; IODP Exp313

Kano, Y. et al. (2009): Hydraulic fracture measurements at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE

Inoue, Seiko et al. (2008): Inter-core correlation of Okhotsk Sea sediment cores using geomagnetic paleointensity and paleoenvironmental implications

Croize, Delphine et al. (2010): Petrophysical properties of bioclastic platform carbonates; implications for porosity controls during burial

Fisher, Andrew et al. (2011): Site 1027

Lin Jingxing et al. (2007): The planktonic foraminiferal zone, climate, bioproductivity explosion event, and time limit of change subsidence velocity in the South China Sea basin during the Neogene

Patriat, M. et al. (2011): Evidence for Quaternary convergence across the North America-South America plate boundary zone, east of the Lesser Antilles

Chang, Chandong et al. (2010): In situ stress state in the Nankai accretionary wedge estimated from borehole wall failures

Fulthorpe, C. et al. (2010): Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand)

Oehlert, Amanda M. et al. (2010): The relationship between the Delta (super 13) C of inorganic and organic components in Neogene periplatform sediments; implications for the Proterozoic

Hiruta, Akihiro et al. (2008): Chloride anomaly in interstitial waters at gas hydrate zone, eastern margin of Japan Sea

Stow, Dorrik et al. (2011): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 scientific prospectus addendum; Mediterranean overflow; environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implications

Bronner, Adrien et al. (2011): Magmatic breakup as an explanation for magnetic anomalies at magma-poor rifted margins

Zhao, Xixi and Kitamura, Yujin (2011): Magnetic property studies of sediments and rocks from IODP Expedition 316

Murphy, D. P. and Thomas, D. J. (2009): Mid-Late Cretaceous Nd isotopic composition of Southern Ocean deep waters

Webster, Jody M. et al. (2011): Transect HYD-01C

Adams, Derek D. et al. (2008): Contrasting sulfur isotope and iron speciation measurements across paleoenvironmental gradients during the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2)

Chian, Deping et al. (1997): Images of the ocean-continent transition in the Iberia abyssal plain from joint analyses of seismic reflection/wide-angle refraction profiles

Acton, G. et al. (2009): Magnetostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic records from Eocene-Miocene sediments cored in the paleoquatorial Pacific; initial results from IODP Expedition 320

Fisher, Andrew et al. (2011): Preparation and injection of fluid tracers during IODP Expedition 327, eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge

Wade, Bridget S. et al. (2011): Review and revision of Cenozoic tropical planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and calibration to the geomagnetic polarity and astronomical time scale

Dupont, Lydie et al. (2000): Vegetation changes in west Equatorial Africa in connection to the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (0.9-0.5 Ma)

Robinson, Nicole et al. (2008): A high-resolution marine osmium isotopic record for the late Maastrichtian; the chemical fingerprints of Deccan volcanism

De Bernardi, Bianca (2008): Biometric study of calcareous plankton through late Paleocene-early Eocene; a proxy to decipher climatic signals?

Inwood, J. and Lofi, Johanna (2009): Downhole logging measurements from IODP Expedition 313; an overview and future directions

Suto, Itsuki (2004): Fossil marine diatom resting spore morpho-genus Xanthiopyxis Ehrenberg in the North Pacific and Norwegian Sea

Yamazaki, Toshitsugu and Solheid, Peter (2011): Maghemite-to-magnetite reduction across the Fe-redox boundary in a sediment core from the Ontong-Java Plateau; influence on relative palaeointensity estimation and environmental magnetic application

Brinkhuis, Henk et al. (2010): Site U1357

(2000): Ocean Drilling Program; from gateways to glaciation

Koizumi, Itaru and Yamamoto, Hirofumi (2011): Oceanographic variations over the last 150,000 yr in the Japan Sea and synchronous Holocene with the Northern Hemisphere

Reuschle, Thierry (2011): Permeability measurements under confining pressure, Expeditions 315 and 316, Nankai Trough

Pirlet, Hans et al. (2011): The importance of the terrigenous fraction within a cold-water coral mound; a case study

Casey, J. F. and Gao, Y. (2008): Ultradepleted residual mantle refertilized by enriched percolating melt within megamullion-rich segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 13 and 16 degrees N

Raitzsch, Markus S. and Hoenisch, B. (2009): Cenozoic evolution of the boron isotopic composition of seawater

Janney, P. E. (2008): Hf isotope constraints on the longevity of the Indian Ocean mantle signature; new results from Tethyan ophiolites

Dadd, Kelsie A. et al. (2010): IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea; environmental change over 5 million years recorded in deep-sea sediment

Campillo, A. C. et al. (1992): Stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the western Alboran Sea; late Miocene to Recent

Normark, W. R. et al. (1997): Tectonism and turbidites in Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge

Ingram, Wesley C. et al. (2011): Biostratigraphy of an upper Miocene mass-transport deposit on Demerara Rise, northern South American margin

Sapp, Kimberly and Gillis, Kathryn (1997): Distribution of porosity in a section of upper oceanic crust exposed in the Troodos Ophiolite

Horiguchi, K. et al. (2009): Helium isotopic ratios of core samples from IODP Expedition 319 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2)

Fisler, Janine and Hendy, Ingrid (2008): Late Holocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblage shifts in Santa Barbara Basin, California; indicators of rapid environmental change

Oliver, Kevin I. C. et al. (2010): A synthesis of marine sediment core delta (super 13) C data over the last 150 000 years

Ciaranfi, N. et al. (2008): Astronomical calibration of Mediterranean Montalbano Jonico land section and implication for delta (super 18) O, calcareous nannofossil and tephra records at the mid-Pleistocene revolution

George, Simon C. et al. (2010): IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, offshore NZ; on-board geochemistry results

Henderiks, J. (2008): Late Miocene coccolithophore (r)evolution

Reynolds, V. S. et al. (2010): Lithium and oxygen isotopes and oxidation state of lower oceanic crust; Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N

Willson, Scott L. et al. (2008): Compressional-wave velocities of discrete samples at in-situ pressures from IODP Hole U1309D with emphasis on the interval from 1000-1400 mbsf

Byrne, Tim et al. (2008): In situ stress determinations from Anelastic Strain Recovery (ASR); preliminary results and comparison to borehole breakout and core-scale fault data from IODP expeditions 314, 315 and 316 to the Nankai Trough

Soldan, Dario M. et al. (2011): Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the Paleogene genus Igorina through parsimony analysis

Vutt, Faisal A. et al. (2000): Relief of the Barents Sea during Plio-Pleistocene and its implications for Northern Hemisphere glaciations

Rabineau, M. (2009): The GOLD IODP Project; global climate changes, extreme events, margins formation and the limits of life in the Gulf of Lion

Pillans, Brad (2000): Early to middle Pleistocene tephrochronology, Wanganui Basin, New Zealand

Monahan, Kyle Matthew et al. (2010): Eocene fluctuations in the CCD & climate; evidence from carbonate & oxygen isotopes (ODP Site 1090)

Barke, J. et al. (2008): Extensive Azolla bloom in the Eocene Arctic Ocean; indications for major episodes of fresh surface waters and possible consequences for global biogeochemical cycling

Suto, Itsuki (2004): Fossil marine diatom resting spore morpho-genus Gemellodiscus gen. nov. in the North Pacific and Norwegian Sea

Le Friant, Anne et al. (2011): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 340 scientific prospectus; Lesser Antilles volcanism and landslides; drilling volcanic landslides deposits and volcanoclastic sediments in the Lesser Antilles Arc; implications for hazard assessment and long-term magmatic evolution of the arc

Jenkins, Chris J. (2010): The ocean drilling and Lamont-Doherty visual core descriptions in modern database/GIS; illustrated uses

Sarkar, Sudipta and Gupta, Anil K. (2008): Five new species of benthic Foraminifera from upper Pleistocene sequence in ODP Hole 716A, Maldives Ridge, equatorial Indian Ocean

(2011): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2011 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by American Geological Institute 1969 through 2010

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