We obtain the wave velocities and quality factors of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments as a function of pore pressure, temperature, frequency and partial saturation. The model is based on a Biot-type three-phase theory that considers the existence of two solids (grains and gas hydrate) and a fluid mixture. Attenuation is described with the constant-Q model and viscodynamic functions to model the high-frequency behaviour. We apply a uniform gas/water mixing law that satisfies Wood's and Voigt's averages at low and high frequencies, respectively. The acoustic model is calibrated to agree with the patchy-saturation theory at high frequencies (White's model). Pressure effects are accounted by using an effective stress law for the dry-rock moduli and permeabilities. The dry-rock moduli of the sediment are calibrated with data from the Cascadia margin. Moreover, we calculate the depth of the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) below the sea floor as a function of sea-floor depth, geothermal gradient below the sea floor, and temperature at the sea floor.