Int  search
intensities  search
intensity  search
 cosmic rays
 interplanetary space
 seismic intensity
 solar cycles
 magnetic intensity
SNGeneral term as of 1981. For intensity of earthquakes, use seismic intensity.
interactions, boundary  search
USEboundary interactions
interactive analysis  search
USEinteractive techniques
interactive methods  search
USEinteractive techniques
interactive techniques  search
UFinteractive analysis
 interactive methods
RTdata processing
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
interface, air-sea  search
USEair-sea interface
interface, oil-gas  search
USEoil-gas interface
interface, oil-water  search
USEoil-water interface
interface, sediment-water  search
USEsediment-water interface
interfaces  search
RTair-sea interface
 air-water interface
 gas-water interface
 mineral-water interface
 oil-gas interface
 oil-water interface
 sediment-water interface
 soil-structure interface
 water-rock interaction
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
interfacial tension  search
USEsurface tension
interference patterns  search
 structural analysis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
interferometry  search
RTvery long baseline interferometry
SNGeneral term appropriate for many topics.
interglacial  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, see interglacial environment or specific interglacial stage.
interglacial environment  search
RTdepositional environment
 glacial environment
 glacial geology
 interstadial environment
 late-glacial environment
SNBefore 1978, search interglacial.
intergrowths  search
RTcrystal growth
interior  search
 lunar interior
 magma oceans
 planetary interiors
SNAs of 1981, restricted to the Earth.
interlaboratory comparison  search
RTchemical analysis
 quality control
 soil mechanics
 standard materials
 standard rocks
 thermal analysis
SNUsed for comparison of standard materials between laboratories. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Interlake Forma  search
Interlake Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Silurian
 ......Interlake Formation
 North Dakota
SNLocated in the Williston Basin. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
interlayering  search
USEmineral interlayer
intermediate earthquake  search
USEintermediate-focus earthquakes
intermediate-focus earthquakes  search
 .intermediate-focus earthquakes
UFintermediate earthquake
 shallow-focus earthquakes
 deep-focus earthquakes
SNBefore 1978, search intermediate-focus.
intermittent springs  search
 .intermittent springs
RTground water
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
intermontane basins  search
 .intermontane basins
Intermontane Belt  search
BTNorth America
 .Intermontane Belt
 British Columbia
 Yukon Territory
SNOne of several tectonic belts between the Coast Ranges and Rocky Mountains, NW North America. Also search Intermontain Belt. Indexed with Washington and/or Canadian provinces or territories as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
internal constitution  search
SNUsed in subfile G. See interior; planetary interiors.
internal waves  search
RTocean waves
International Association for Quaternary Research  search
international cooperation  search
UFcooperation, international
 aid projects
 industrialized countries
 Law of the Sea
 strategic minerals
 International Lithosphere Program
 International Monetary Fund
 technical cooperation
 World Bank
International Decade of Ocean Exploration  search
 research vessels
INternational DEep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya  search
International Geological Congress  search
International Geological Correlation Programme  search
International Geosphere-Biosphere Program  search
International Lithosphere Program  search
UFILP (International Lithosphere Program)
RTinternational cooperation
SNOf the IUGS and International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Acronym is ILP.
International Monetary Fund  search
 international cooperation
 United Nations
 World Bank
SNSometimes abbreviated as IMF. Usually out-of-scope for GeoRef. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
International Phase of Ocean Drilling  search
International Union of Geological Sciences  search
Internet  search
BTcomputer networks
 data processing
 information systems
 data retrieval
 information management
 data handling
 digital data
 World Wide Web
 spatial data
interpla  search
interplanetary comparison  search
RTextraterrestrial geology
 natural analogs
 terrestrial comparison
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
interplanetary dust  search
RTcosmic dust
 interplanetary space
interplanetary space  search
UFouter space
 cosmic rays
 extraterrestrial geology
 cosmic dust
 solar system
 shock waves
 solar wind
 interplanetary dust
 electromagnetic radiation
 solar cycles
 Halley's Comet
SNUsually out-of-scope for GeoRef.
interpolation  search
 mathematical geology
 statistical analysis
interpretation  search
SNAppropriate to a large number of general topics.
interstadial environment  search
RTdepositional environment
 glacial environment
 glacial geology
 interglacial environment
 late-glacial environment
 periglacial environment
SNBefore 1978, search interglacial.
interstellar dust  search
USEcosmic dust
interstitial water  search
USEpore water
intertidal environment  search
BTcoastal environment
 .intertidal environment
UFlittoral environment
 depositional environment
 marine environment
 littoral erosion
 wave-cut platforms
 tidal flats
 intertidal sedimentation
SNAs of 1981, used for littoral environment. Before 1981, also search tidal environment. Before 1978, search intertidal; littoral.
intertidal sedimentation  search
 .intertidal sedimentation
RTintertidal environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Intertrappean Beds  search
UFDeccan Intertrappean
 Deccan Intertrappean Beds
 Deccan Intertrappean Series
RTUpper Cretaceous
 lower Eocene
 Deccan Traps
SNUpper Cretaceous to lower Eocene. Sedimentary deposits of fossiliferous cherts, freshwater limestone or bole intercalated between the flows of Deccan Trap Basalt. Also search Intertrappean. Indexed with ages as applicable.
intraclastic texture  search
intraclasts  search
UFintraclastic texture
 carbonate rocks
intracontinental belts  search
RTorogenic belts
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
intracratonic basins  search
 .intracratonic basins
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
intrafolial folds  search
 .intrafolial folds
SNBefore 1978, search folds AND intrafolial.
intraformational structures  search
RTsedimentary structures
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
intramagmatic deposits  search
 mineral deposits, genesis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
intraplate  search
USEintraplate processes
intraplate processes  search
 plate tectonics
 mantle plumes
SNBefore 1993, also search midplate or mid-plate or intraplate tectonics if applicable. May be searched in combination with earthquakes, seismicity, volcanism, tectonics, etc. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
intraplate tectonics  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See intraplate processes.
Intrazonal soils  search
 .Intrazonal soils
RTsoil group
 Bog soils
 Hydromorphic soils
 Brown forest soils
 Meadow soils
 Solonchak soils
 Solonetz soils
intrusion (ground water)  search
USEsalt-water intrusion
intrusions  search
 layered intrusions
 ring complexes
UFinvasion (intrusion)
 irruption (intrusion)
RTigneous rocks
 magma contamination
 country rocks
 contact metamorphism
 heat flow
 hypabyssal rocks
 magmatic differentiation
 dike swarms
 magma chambers
SNUsed for the igneous rocks mass formed by emplacement of magma in pre-existing rock. It is also used for the process of emplacement.
intrusive  search
SNA valid term through 1977. Included use in subfiles E and N. After 1977, intrusive was used in conjuction with igneous rocks. Now use igneous rocks, intrusions, hypabyssal rocks and/or plutonic rocks as applicable.
intrusive mountain  search
intrusive rocks  search
SNAs of 1989, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Before 1978, the term intrusive was used in conjuction with igneous rocks. Now use igneous rocks, intrusions, hypabyssal rocks and/or plutonic rocks as applicable.
intrusives  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Before 1971, included use in subfiles E, G, N, T and B. Now use igneous rocks and/or intrusions as applicable.