energ  search
energy  search
RTactivation energy
 energy sources
 free energy
 geothermal energy
 hydroelectric energy
 new energy sources
 nuclear energy
 relaxation energy
 seismic energy
 solar energy
 tidal energy
 wind energy
SNUsed as a general term.
energy conservation  search
 environmental geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
energy sources  search
UFsources, energy
 economic geology
 ash content
 oil shale
 heat storage
 heat flow
 new energy sources
 geothermal energy
 coalbed methane
 natural gas
 hydroelectric energy
 nuclear energy
 fuel peat
 gas sands
 oil sands
 potential deposits
 power plant
SNUsed as a grouper for energy-related terms such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, geothermal energy, and uranium ores.