burial  search
RTdepth indicators
SNRestricted to the natural process. See waste disposal or underground storage for other studies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
burial depth  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1989, see depth, depth indicators, diagenesis. As of 1993, also see burial diagenesis.
burial diagenesis  search
 .burial diagenesis
RTdepth indicators
 late diagenesis
SNIncreasing temperature, fluid pressure, and confining pressure characterize the environment where physical compaction results in expulsion of trapped, geochemically evolved pore fluids. Variable processes include fluid mixing, recycling, and geochemical e
burial metamorphism  search
 .burial metamorphism
 regional metamorphism
SNBefore 1978, also search metamorphism AND burial.