Cott  search
Cottageville Field  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Jackson County West Virginia
 ...Cottageville Field
RToil and gas fields
SNW West Virginia. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Cottbus Bezirk  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. District in SE East Germany. Before 1981, search Cottbus. As of 1993, see Saxony Germany and Upper Lusatia.
Cottbus Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Brandenburg Germany
 ....Cottbus Germany
SNCity in Brandenburg, E Germany. From 1981-1992, Cottbus was used for this city. Before 1981, Cottbus also included the East German district.
Cottian Alps  search
 .Western Europe
 ..Cottian Alps
 ..Western Alps
 ...Cottian Alps
NTDora Maira Massif
 Dauphine Alps
 Piedmont Alps
SNDivision of Western Alps. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Cottle County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cottle County Texas
Cotton County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cotton County Oklahoma
SNSW Oklahoma.
Cotton Valley Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Jurassic
 .....Cotton Valley Group
 Bossier Formation
 Schuler Formation
SNIncludes Schuler Formation, and Bossier Formation. S Arkansas, N Louisiana, W Mississippi, and E Texas.
Cottonwood County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cottonwood County Minnesota
Cottonwood Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Cottonwood Limestone
 Council Grove Group
SNIn Council Grove Group. E Kansas, SE Nebraska, and central northern Oklahoma.