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Data sets | Publications | Expeditions | Thesaurus |
lat |
Latah County Idaho | |
BT | United States |
.Idaho | |
..Latah County Idaho | |
SN | N Idaho. |
Latdorfian | |
USE | Lattorfian |
late diagenesis | |
BT | diagenesis |
.late diagenesis | |
RT | burial diagenesis |
early diagenesis |
late-glacial environment | |
UF | lateglacial environment |
RT | glacial geology |
glaciation | |
depositional environment | |
Heinrich events | |
deglaciation | |
periglacial environment | |
glacial erosion | |
glacial sedimentation | |
interglacial environment | |
interstadial environment | |
last glacial maximum | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1998. |
lateglacial environment | |
USE | late-glacial environment |
Latemar Massif | |
BT | Europe |
.Alps | |
..Eastern Alps | |
...Dolomites | |
....Latemar Massif | |
BT | Europe |
.Southern Europe | |
..Italy | |
...Trentino-Alto Adige Italy | |
....Latemar Massif | |
SN | In Dolomites. This term has multiple hierarchies. |
lateral faults | |
BT | faults |
.lateral faults | |
NT | left-lateral faults |
right-lateral faults | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
lateral heterogeneity | |
RT | mantle |
upper mantle | |
velocity structure | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
lateral loading | |
BT | loading |
.lateral loading | |
RT | soil mechanics |
testing | |
load tests | |
engineering properties | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
lateral logging | |
USE | Laterolog |
Laterite soils | |
USE | laterites |
laterites | |
BT | soils |
.laterites | |
UF | Laterite soils |
lateritic soils | |
RT | soil group |
bauxite | |
ocher | |
bauxitization | |
laterization | |
biorhexistasy | |
Latosols |
lateritic soils | |
USE | laterites |
laterization | |
RT | bauxitization |
laterites | |
mineral deposits, genesis | |
soils |
Laterolog | |
UF | focused current logging |
guard log | |
lateral logging | |
RT | well-logging |
electrical logging | |
resistivity | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1984. |
Lathi Formation | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Mesozoic | |
...Jurassic | |
....Lathi Formation | |
RT | India |
Rajasthan India |
Latimer County Oklahoma | |
BT | United States |
.Oklahoma | |
..Latimer County Oklahoma | |
RT | Ouachita Mountains |
SN | SE Oklahoma. |
Latin America | |
RT | America |
Central America | |
South America | |
SN | Region comprising South America except the Guianas; Central America except Belize; Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and some of the islands in the West Indies. Used only when a more specific area term is not given. Added to Thesaurus in 1981. |
latite | |
BT | igneous rocks |
.volcanic rocks | |
..trachyandesites | |
...latite | |
RT | quartz latite |
latitude | |
RT | altitude |
climate | |
geodesy | |
paleolatitude | |
SN | Includes latitude effects. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
latitude, paleo- | |
USE | paleolatitude |
Latium Italy | |
BT | Europe |
.Southern Europe | |
..Italy | |
...Latium Italy | |
NT | Alban Hills |
Frosinone Italy | |
Rome Italy | |
Sabatini Mountains | |
Tolfa Hills | |
Viterbo Italy | |
RT | Tiber Valley |
SN | Autonomous region in W central Italy. |
Latosols | |
BT | soils |
.Latosols | |
RT | soil group |
laterites |
Latrobe Group | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Cenozoic | |
...Paleogene | |
....Paleocene | |
.....Latrobe Group | |
RT | Australia |
Victoria Australia | |
Gippsland Basin | |
SN | Gippsland Basin of Victoria. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
Latrobe Valley | |
RT | Gippsland Basin |
Victoria Australia | |
SN | Coal mining region in S Victoria. Indexed with Victoria Australia as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
lattice | |
UF | Bravais lattice |
crystal lattice | |
space lattice | |
translation lattice | |
RT | crystal structure |
crystal systems | |
cell dimensions | |
lattice parameters | |
habit | |
unit cell | |
twinning | |
substitution |
lattice constants | |
USE | lattice parameters |
lattice par |
lattice parameters | |
UF | lattice constants |
RT | crystal structure |
crystallography | |
cell dimensions | |
crystal chemistry | |
lattice | |
crystal growth | |
unit cell | |
SN | Before 1979, also search (lattice OR crystal structure) AND parameters. |
Lattorfian | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Cenozoic | |
...Paleogene | |
....Eocene | |
.....upper Eocene | |
......Lattorfian | |
UF | Latdorfian |
RT | Krosno Beds |
Tongrian | |
Sannoisian | |
SN | Europe. |
Latur earthquake 1993 | |
BT | earthquakes |
.Latur earthquake 1993 | |
UF | Killari earthquake 1993 |
RT | India |
Maharashtra India | |
SN | Epicenter near Latur, Maharashtra, central India. |
Latvia | |
BT | Europe |
.Baltic region | |
..Latvia | |
NT | Riga Latvia |
RT | Baltic Glaciation |
Baltic Plain | |
Russian Platform | |
Baltica | |
Baltic Shield | |
Dvina River | |
Russian Plain | |
SN | Formerly the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. |