McKay, Rob et al. (2012): Orbital controls on the Plio-Pleistocene variability of the Wilkes Land margin of the East Antarctic ice sheet

IODP 318
IODP 318 U1361

McKay, Rob
Victoria University of Wellington, Antarctic Research Centre, Wellington, New Zealand

Patterson, Molly

Grant, Georgia

Naish, Tim

Orbital controls on the Plio-Pleistocene variability of the Wilkes Land margin of the East Antarctic ice sheet
In: Anonymous, 34th international geological congress; abstracts
[International Geological Congress], [location varies], International
The Wilkes Land sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is hypothesized to have varied significantly in volume during the early Pliocene warm period. Here, we present a cyclostratigraphy for the Plio-Pleistocene interval of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1361, located on the Wilkes Land margin, to investigate the potential sensitivity of this ice sheet to warmer-than-present climates and orbital forcing. Using sedimentology and physical proper ties logs, we investigate cyclic variability in sedimentary deposition operating at Milankovitch frequencies to interpret relationships between ice sheet dynamics, sea ice variability, and oceanographic changes at the EAIS margin. We present a high-resolution grain size record of the Pliocene to early Pleistocene (4.4 to 1.8 Ma) in U1361. Periodic oscillations in the grain size, and physical proper ties logs accurately represent distinct lithofacies and have enabled a high resolution cyclostratigraphy to be developed. Using paleomagnetic reversals as age contrain tie points, cyclic variations in physical proper ties and ice-rafted debris can be visually correlated to the benthic oxygen isotope record of global ice volume throughout the Plio-Pleistocene. We then conduct spectral analysis on the physical proper ties to test the statistical significance of orbital controls on cyclic sedimentation occurring at the Wilkes Land margin during the late Neogene.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:143.5312East: 143.5312

Stratigraphy; Antarctic ice sheet; Antarctica; Cenozoic; climate change; climate forcing; East Antarctic ice sheet; Expedition 318; glacial geology; ice sheets; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; IODP Site U1361; marine sediments; Neogene; orbital forcing; paleoenvironment; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Quaternary; sediments; Southern Ocean; Tertiary; variations; Wilkes Land;
