Euler, Christine and Ninnemann, Ulysses S. (2010): Climate and Antarctic Intermediate Water coupling during the late Holocene

ODP 202
ODP 202 1233

Euler, Christine
University of Bergen, Department of Earth Science, Bergen, Norway

Ninnemann, Ulysses S.

Climate and Antarctic Intermediate Water coupling during the late Holocene
Geology (Boulder)
Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
Little is known about the scale of natural variability of the Southern Hemisphere upper ocean on decadal to centennial time scales, despite its potential importance for influencing regions as distant as the tropical Pacific (El Nino-Southern Oscillation; ENSO) or even the North Atlantic overturning circulation. Here we present the first subdecadally sampled reconstruction of variability in the southeast Pacific upper-intermediate ocean from ca. A.D. 0-1300 using foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records. Our results reveal large variability in surface ocean physical properties on both decadal and centennial time scales in the southeast Pacific; as much as 3 degrees C or more in as little as 50 yr. On centennial time scales, changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water physical properties (benthic foraminiferal delta (super 18) O) covary with those in the surface and are associated with shifts in tropical temperatures, thermocline nutrient dynamics, and ENSO, suggesting that they are part of a common Pacific-wide phenomenon. Our results reveal that natural variability in upper ocean properties is greater than previously appreciated and coherent with changes in the tropical thermocline, supporting both theories and models postulating the importance of extratropical-tropical teleconnections and the oceanic tunnel in interdecadal to centennial climate variability.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:-74.2700East: -74.2700

Quaternary geology; Antarctic Intermediate Water; benthic taxa; biochemistry; C-13/C-12; carbon; Cenozoic; centennial variations; coupling; decadal variations; East Pacific; Foraminifera; geochemical indicators; geochemistry; Globigerinacea; Holocene; Invertebrata; isotope ratios; isotopes; Leg 202; marine environment; microfossils; Neogloboquadrina; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma; O-18/O-16; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 1233; oxygen; Pacific Ocean; paleo-oceanography; paleocirculation; paleoclimatology; Protista; Quaternary; reconstruction; Rotaliina; South Pacific; Southeast Pacific; Southern Ocean; stable isotopes; tropical environment; upper Holocene;
