Gay, A. et al. (2003): Sinuous pockmark belt as indicator of a shallow buried turbiditic channel on the lower slope of the Congo Basin, West African margin

ODP 175
ODP 175 1076

Gay, A.
Universite de Lille I, Laboratoire Sedimentologie et Geodynamique, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

Lopez, M.
University of Adelaide, Australia

Cochonat, P.
Aberswyth University of Wales, United Kingdom

Sultan, N.
University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei

Cauquil, E.
Institut Francais de Recherche et d'Exploitation de la Mer, France

Brigaud, F.
Total-Fina-Elf, France

Sinuous pockmark belt as indicator of a shallow buried turbiditic channel on the lower slope of the Congo Basin, West African margin
In: van Rensbergen, Pieter (editor), Hillis, Richard R. (editor), Maltman, Alex J. (editor), Morley, Christopher K. (editor), Subsurface sediment mobilization
Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
Pockmarks on the slope of the Lower Congo Basin are distributed along a meandering band on seafloor coincident with a shallow buried palaeochannel imaged from the 3D-seismic database. Each pockmark originates systematically at the channel-levee interface and the seafloor expression of the palaeochannel's sinuosity is mimicked by the sinuous trend of pockmarks. 3D-seismic on the slope, calibrated by biostratigraphic data from cores of the Leg ODP 175, indicate a seaward decrease of the sedimentation rate. We suggest that this condition induces a differential loading of the hemipelagic cover over the palaeochannel and propose a model for episodic dewatering of fluids trapped in the buried turbiditic channel. The consequence is a fluid flow caused by a longitudinal pressure gradient along the buried channel. A hydromechanical model proposed for the formation of shallow pockmarks indicates that the sedimentation rate cannot generate the overpressure required for pockmark formation on the seafloor. Therefore, it is suggested that hydrocarbon migration from deeper overpressured reservoirs is added to the pore fluid pressure in the shallow subsurface sediments. Horizontal drainage by the turbiditic palaeochannel and vertical migration along many vertical conduits (seismic chimneys) probably initiated at shallow subbottom depth. It is concluded that these shallow processes have important implications for fluid migration from deeply buried hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:9.3000East: 11.3000

Sedimentary petrology; Applied geophysics; Atlantic Ocean; bottom-simulating reflectors; burial; buried channels; consolidation; depositional environment; diapirs; fluvial features; gas hydrates; geophysical methods; geophysical profiles; geophysical surveys; high-resolution methods; intrusions; Leg 175; Lower Congo Basin; marine environment; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 1076; overpressure; pipes; pockmarks; pore pressure; reflection methods; reservoir rocks; sedimentary structures; sedimentation; sedimentation rates; seepage; seismic methods; seismic profiles; seismic stratigraphy; slope environment; soft sediment deformation; South Atlantic; submarine environment; surveys; turbidite;
