Sinton, Christopher W. et al. (2000): Geochronology and petrology of the igneous basement at the lower Nicaraguan Rise, Site 1001

ODP 165
ODP 165 1001


Sinton, Christopher W.
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI, United States

Sigurdsson, Haraldur
University of Rhode Island, United States

Duncan, Robert A.
Ocean Drilling Program, United States

Geochronology and petrology of the igneous basement at the lower Nicaraguan Rise, Site 1001
In: Leckie, R. Mark, Sigurdsson, Haraldur, Acton, Gary D., Abrams, Lewis J., Bralower, Timothy J., Carey, Steven N., Chaisson, William P., Cotillon, Pierre, Cunningham, Andrew D., D'Hondt, Steven L., Droxler, Andre W., Galbrun, Bruno, Gonzalez, Juan, Haug, Gerald H., Kameo, Koji, King, John W., Lind, Ida L., Louvel, Veronique, Lyons, Timothy W., Murray, Richard W., Mutti, Maria, Myers, Greg, Pearce, Richard B., Pearson, D. Graham, Peterson, Larry C., Roehl, Ursula, Garman, Phyllis (editor), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Caribbean Ocean history and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; covering Leg 165 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Miami, Florida, to San Juan Puerto Rico, sites 998-1002, 19 December 1995-17 February 1996
Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States
(super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar incremental heating experiments and electron microprobe analyses were performed on basaltic rocks recovered from Site 1001 during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 165. The lower Nicaraguan Rise, on which Site 1001 lies, appears to be part of a larger Caribbean oceanic plateau that makes up the core of the Caribbean plate. Our results indicate an eruption age of 81+ or -1 Ma. A single flow-rim glass is tholeiitic and almost identical to the shipboard X-ray fluorescence analyses of the whole rock. The slightly porphyritic basalts have at least two populations of plagioclase, groundmass, and glomerocrystic plagioclase laths that appear to be in equilibrium with the surrounding melt and corroded tabular phenocrysts that have a higher An content (An (sub 84-86) ).
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:-74.5436East: -74.5436

Geochronology; Igneous and metamorphic petrology; absolute age; Ar/Ar; Atlantic Ocean; basalts; basement; Campanian; Caribbean Sea; Cretaceous; dates; electron probe data; igneous rocks; isochrons; Leg 165; Mesozoic; mineral composition; Nicaragua Rise; North Atlantic; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 1001; phenocrysts; Senonian; spectra; Upper Cretaceous; volcanic rocks; X-ray fluorescence spectra;
