Cornen, Guy et al. (1996): Petrology of the mafic rocks cored in the Iberian abyssal plain

ODP 149
ODP 149 899
ODP 149 900


Cornen, Guy
Universite de Nantes, Laboratoire de Petrologie Structurale, Nantes, France

Beslier, Marie-Odile
Rice University, United States

Girardeau, Jacques
Ocean Drilling Program, United States

Petrology of the mafic rocks cored in the Iberian abyssal plain
In: Whitmarsh, Robert B., Sawyer, Dale S., Klaus, Adam, Beslier, Marie-Odile, Collins, Eric S., Comas, Maria Carmen, Cornen, Guy, de Kaenel, Eric, Pinheiro, Luis de Menezes, Gervais, Elisabeth, Gibson, Ian L., Harry, Dennis L., Hobart, Michael A., Kanamatsu, Toshiya, Krawcyzk, Charlotte M., Liu, Li, Lofts, Jeremy C., Marsaglia, Kathleen M., Meyers, Philip A., Milkert, Doris, Milliken, Kitty L., Morgan, Julia K., Ramirez, Pedro, Seifert, Karl E., Shaw, Timothy J., Wilson, Chris, Yin, Chuan, Zhao, Xixi, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results, Iberia abyssal plain; covering Leg 149 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution; Balboa Harbor, Panama, to Lisbon, Portugal; sites 897-901, 10 March-25 May 1993
Texas A&M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 149 to the Iberia Abyssal Plain, drilling into the basement recovered mafic rocks near and east of a north-south peridotite ridge that bounds the Iberian ocean/continent transition. Recovered primarily at Sites 899 and 900, 60 km apart, some of these extrusive and intrusive mafic rocks show evidence of low to high metamorphic grade. Those recovered at Site 899 consist of lavas, microgabbros, and metamorphosed rocks that occur with predominantly ultramafic breccia and sedimentary rocks within a mass-flow deposit. The entire basement core from Site 900 consists of brecciated flaser gabbros. The low-grade metamorphosed or unmetamorphosed lavas and microgabbros at Site 899 derive from the crystallization of E-MORB to alkaline magmas. Some of the mafic rocks, and particularly the chlorite-bearing schists, may be considered as formerly differentiated Fe-Ti leucogabbros or plagiogranites, later hydrothermally modified under low-temperature and low-pressure conditions. The flaser gabbros (Site 900) and the sheared amphibolites (Site 899) have tholeiitic to transitional affinities, slightly different from those of typical mid-ocean ridge gabbros. These former gabbros underwent intense shearing under relatively high-temperature (high amphibolite to granulite facies) and high-pressure (> or =0.8 Gpa) conditions that ended around 136 m.y. ago in lower-grade metamorphic conditions (Feraud et al., this volume). The peculiar mineralogy, chemistry, and tectonometamorphic evolution of these mafic rocks combined with the preliminary isotope ages are consistent with an origin during continental rifting. The flaser gabbros would have crystallized from transitional to tholeiitic magmas, which ponded and slowly cooled at the base of continental crust, and then sheared during continental extension. Similar, but weakly alkaline, magmas poured out onto the suboceanic floor as extension proceeded. The older ones were subsequently hydrothermally modified under low pressure.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:-12.1604East: -11.3616

Igneous and metamorphic petrology; Atlantic Ocean; basalts; continental crust; cores; crust; emplacement; extension; facies; gabbros; granulite facies; hydrothermal conditions; Iberian abyssal plain; igneous rocks; Leg 149; mafic composition; mid-ocean ridge basalts; North Atlantic; Northeast Atlantic; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 899; ODP Site 900; P-T conditions; peridotites; petrology; plutonic rocks; ultramafics; volcanic rocks;
