Baksi, Ajoy K. (2005): Evaluation of radiometric ages pertaining to rocks hypothesized to have been derived by hotspot activity, in and around the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans

ODP 115
ODP 121
DSDP 26 254
ODP 115 715
ODP 121 758


Baksi, Ajoy K.
Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Evaluation of radiometric ages pertaining to rocks hypothesized to have been derived by hotspot activity, in and around the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans
In: Foulger, Gillian R. (editor), Natland, James H. (editor), Presnall, Dean C. (editor), Anderson, Don L. (editor), Plates, plumes, and paradigms
Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
Hotspot activity has been invoked to explain a number of geological observations and phenomena. The genetic relationship between hotspots and continental flood basalts, as well as "tracks" in many oceans, appears to be commonly accepted by Earth scientists. One critical test that must be applied to such connections or hypotheses is that the pertinent radiometric data must be robust. Herein I critically reexamine some sets of data in this regard. The pertinent (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar step-heating data must (1) satisfy rigorous statistical tests for validity and (2) be based on material that can be shown to be fresh or minimally altered. I show that most age data published recently for the Isle of Mull (British Tertiary Igneous Province) are invalid as proper estimates of the crystallization age. I apply a similar mode of examination to rocks thought to represent the tracks of (1) the Yellowstone hotspot, Pacific Northwest, USA, (2) the Tristan da Cunha and Great Meteor hotspots, Atlantic Ocean, and (3) the Kerguelen and Reunion hotspots, Indian Ocean. Few, if any, valid crystallization ages were recovered. These hotspot tracks cannot be temporally defined. Conclusions based on the data rejected herein, in particular those pertaining to the extrapolated paths of such tracks and the calculation of plate velocities, should be subject to critical scrutiny.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:39.0000East: 113.0000

Geochronology; Solid-earth geophysics; absolute age; accuracy; alteration; Ar/Ar; Argyllshire Scotland; Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean Islands; basalts; Cenozoic; crystallization; dates; Deep Sea Drilling Project; DSDP Site 254; emplacement; Europe; Great Britain; Great Meteor Seamount; Hebrides; hot spots; igneous rocks; Indian Ocean Islands; Inner Hebrides; Kerguelen Islands; Kerguelen Plateau; Leg 115; Leg 121; Leg 26; mantle; mantle plumes; Mascarene Islands; movement; Mull Island; North Atlantic; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 715; ODP Site 758; Paleocene; Paleogene; plate tectonics; Reunion; Scotland; South Atlantic; statistical analysis; Strathclyde region Scotland; Tertiary; tracks; Tristan da Cunha; United Kingdom; velocity; volcanic rocks; Walvis Ridge; Western Europe; whole rock; Yellowstone Hot Spot;
