Tada, Ryuji et al. (1999): Land-ocean linkages over orbital and millennial timescales recorded in late Quaternary sediments of the Japan Sea

ODP 127
ODP 127 797


Tada, Ryuji
University of Tokyo, Geological Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Irino, Tomohisa
Hokkaido University, Japan

Koizumi, Itaru

Land-ocean linkages over orbital and millennial timescales recorded in late Quaternary sediments of the Japan Sea
In: Anonymous, The Japan Sea; a case study of high-frequency oceanographic variability in the late Quaternary
American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States
Late Quaternary sediments of the Japan Sea are characterized by centimeter- to meter-scale alternations of dark and light layers which are synchronous basinwide. High-resolution analyses of the sediments from Ocean Drilling Program site 797 reveal that deposition of the meter-scale alternations reflect variations in paleoceanographic conditions which were closely associated with glacio-eustatic sea level changes through the modulation of the volume and character of the influx to the sea through the Tsushima Strait. The centimeter- to decimeter-scale alternations reflect millennial-scale variations which are possibly associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles, with each dark layer appearing to correspond to an interstadial. This variability is attributed to the development of a humid climate in central to eastern Asia and the consequent increase in discharge from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers during interstadials. This caused expansion of the East China Sea coastal water (ECSCW), which penetrated more strongly into the Japan Sea. The increased influence of the lower-salinity, nutrient-enriched ECSCW reduced deep water ventilation and enhanced the surface productivity, leading to the development of anoxic bottom waters and deposition of the dark layers. Thus the centimeter- to decimeter-scale alternations of the dark and light layers record wet and dry cycles in central to eastern Asia possibly associated with D-O cycles.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:134.3209East: 134.3211

Oceanography; Asia; biostratigraphy; Cenozoic; China; climate change; climate forcing; correlation; currents; cycles; Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles; depositional environment; discharge; Far East; frequency; high-resolution methods; Huang He; Japan Sea; Leg 127; marine sediments; North Pacific; Northwest Pacific; ocean circulation; ocean currents; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 797; orbital forcing; Pacific Ocean; paleoclimatology; Quaternary; sediments; Tsushima Strait; upper Quaternary; West Pacific; Yangtze River;
