Friedrich, Oliver et al. (2006): Paleoenvironmental changes across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event (oceanic anoxic event 2) as indicated by benthic Foraminifera from the Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207)

ODP 207
ODP 207 1258
ODP 207 1259
ODP 207 1260
ODP 207 1261


Friedrich, Oliver
Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany

Erbacher, Jochen
Universite de Paris VI, France

Mutterlose, Joerg
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Federal Republic of Germany

Paleoenvironmental changes across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event (oceanic anoxic event 2) as indicated by benthic Foraminifera from the Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207)
In: Erbacher, Jochen (editor), Danelian, Taniel (editor), Nishi, H. (editor), Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); equatorial Cretaceous and Palaeogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography
Elsevier, Paris, France
This study is based on Cenomanian to lower Turonian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1258, 1259, 1260, and 1261 from the Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Suriname) that are oriented along a paleodepth transect. Studied sediments include the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) or Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) and consist of laminated black shales with TOC values between 5% and 10% below and above OAE 2 and up to 29% within the OAE 2 interval. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this eutrophic environment are generally characterized by low diversities and strong fluctuations of abundances, indicating oxygen depletion and high organic matter fluxes. Dominant taxa at all sites are Bolivina anambra, Gavelinella dakotensis, Tappanina sp., Praebulimina prolixa, and Neobulimina albertensis. Based on the positive stable carbon isotope excursion characteristics of OAE 2 we subdivided the studied successions into three intervals: (1) the interval below OAE 2; (2) the carbon isotope excursion reflecting OAE 2; and (3) the interval above OAE 2. In the bathymetrically shallower Sites 1260 and 1261 benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate anoxic to sometimes slightly dysoxic bottom-water conditions below the OAE 2 interval. The bathymetrically deepest Site 1258, in contrast, reflects more oxygenated bottom waters with an almost continuous occurrence of benthic foraminifera. It is therefore suggested that the shallower sites were located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), whereas Site 1258 was below the OMZ. During OAE 2 anoxic conditions prevailed at the shallower sites. At Site 1258 benthic foraminifera indicate severe dysoxic but not anoxic conditions. This pattern is proposed to reflect a strengthening of the OMZ possibly related to increased primary production during OAE 2. A short-term repopulation event of benthic foraminifera in the lower third of the OAE 2 interval was observed at all sites, reflecting a brief bottom-water oxygenation event. This short-lived event parallels a surface-water cooling and is probably equivalent to the "Plenus Cool Event" in Europe and the "benthonic zone" in the U.S. Western Interior. The benthic foraminifera of a approximately 0.5 Ma interval following OAE 2 still indicate oxygen depletion of bottom waters. Subsequently, however, a strong increase in benthic foraminiferal abundance and diversity reflects better oxygenation of the bottom-water masses, probably related to a weakening of the OMZ due to decreasing organic matter flux.
Coverage:Geographic coordinates:
West:-55.0000East: -54.0000

Stratigraphy; anaerobic environment; assemblages; Atlantic Ocean; benthic taxa; Cenomanian; Cretaceous; Demerara Rise; Equatorial Atlantic; faunal list; Foraminifera; Invertebrata; Leg 207; marine environment; Mesozoic; microfossils; North Atlantic; Northwest Atlantic; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP Site 1258; ODP Site 1259; ODP Site 1260; ODP Site 1261; paleo-oceanography; paleoenvironment; Protista; quantitative analysis; stratigraphic boundary; Turonian; Upper Cretaceous;
