Elderfield, H.; Ferretti, P.; Greaves, M.; McCave, N.; Crowhurst, S. (2008): Reconstruction of Pleistocene climate for the past million years from benthic foraminiferal deep-sea proxy records from the Southern Ocean. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States, In: Anonymous, AGU 2008 fall meeting, 89 (53, Suppl.), georefid:2011-050783

West: -171.2956 East: -171.2956 North: -41.4710 South: -41.4710
Expedition: 181
Site: 181-1123
Data access:
Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
Data set link: http://sedis.iodp.org/pub-catalogue/index.php?id=2011-050783 (c.f. for more detailed metadata)
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