Heesemann, Martin; Villinger, Heinrich; Fisher, Andrew T.; Trehu, Anne M.; Witte, Steffen (2006): IODP; testing and deployment of the new APC3 tool to determine in-situ temperatures while piston coring. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet, Institut fuer Geographie und Geologie, Greifswald, Germany, In: Anonymous, IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006 in Greifswald IODP-ICDP colloquium 2006 in Greifswald, 58-59, georefid:2011-022356

West: -127.0400 East: -126.4000 North: 48.4800 South: 48.3700
Expedition: 311
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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