Iorio, Marina; Wolf-Welling, Thomas; Moerz, Tobias (2004): Antarctic sediment drifts and Plio-Pleistocene orbital periodicities (ODP Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101). Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Tulsa, OK, United States, In: D'Argenio, Bruno (editor), Fischer, Alfred G. (editor), Premoli Silva, Isabella (editor), Weissert, Helmut (editor), Ferreri, Vittoria (editor), Cyclostratigraphy; approaches and case histories, 81, 231-244, georefid:2005-028794

Petrophysical datasets and related spectral analysis from Plio-Pleistocene sediments cored on the Western Antarctic continental rise during the Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 178, are discussed. It is shown that in different cores, nonharmonic wavelength peaks, when normalized, exhibit a very high correlation factor with predicted Earth's orbital variations. It is also found that both short ( approximately 95-125 ky) and long ( approximately 400 ky) eccentricity periodicities emerge clearly from the signal during the whole Pleistocene, without an evident switch to obliquity at mid-Pleistocene ( approximately 0.9 Ma), as reported in the literature. This suggests that the lithological parameters, a proxy for glacial cycles, are controlled, directly or indirectly, by astronomically forced processes (Milankovitch cycles). Moreover, the good correlatability among distant coring sites, based on systematic sedimentological variations at intervals of about 140 and 370 ky, allows extension of the results to regional scale.
West: -78.2916 East: -70.1540 North: -64.2220 South: -67.3401
Expedition: 178
Site: 178-1095
Site: 178-1096
Site: 178-1101
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