Yuguchi, Shiho; Murakami, Teizou; Saito, Takato; Sato, Tokiyuki; Kameo, Koji; Takayama, Toshiaki (2000): Latest Cenozoic palaeoceanography of the Pacific Ocean based on the analysis of nannofossil assemblages. International Nannoplankton Association, The Hague, International, In: Willems, Helmut (chairperson), 8th International Nannoplankton Association conference; programme and abstracts, 22 (2), 155, georefid:2005-013100

West: -92.1500 East: -77.1000 North: 18.3000 South: 7.1000
West: NaN East: NaN North: NaN South: NaN
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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