Escutia, Carlota; Moerz, Tobias; Lauer-Laredde, Christine; Williams, Trevor; Jaramillo, Juan M. (2001): Seismic and downhole signatures of glacial sequences from the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf; ODP Leg 178, Site 1103. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy, In: Florindo, Fabio (editor), Cooper, Alan K. (editor), Extended abstracts for the International ANTOSTRAT symposium on The geologic record of the Antarctic ice sheet from drilling, coring and seismic studies, 16, 61, georefid:2004-019649

ODP Site 1103, Great Australian Bight sector of the Southern Ocean, provides information on the glacial sequences from the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf. Seismic and downhole methods are used to study the thick prograded wedge on the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf. The aim of this study is to understand the significance of the changes in depositional geometry within the wedge in terms of glacial history. (MTE)
West: -65.2755 East: -65.2755 North: -63.5958 South: -63.5958
Expedition: 178
Site: 178-1103
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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