Wei, Wuchang (1998): New calcareous nannofossil species and stratigraphic markers from the upper Paleocene. International Nannoplankton Association, The Hague, International, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 20 (2), 107-115, georefid:1999-039965

A new species, Discoaster protomuluradiatus, is described from the Upper Paleocene. The stratigraphic distributions of this and a poorly known species. Ericsonia robusta, are documented from seven DSDP/ODP sites from low through high latitudes. D. protomultiradiatus generally ranges from slightly below to slightly above the first occurrence of Discoaster multiradiatus (NP8/NP9 zonal boundary) and correlates with the middle part of magnetic chron C25n. E. robusta > or =11 mu m has a longer range and generally occurs from near the bottom of magnetic chron C25n to the top of chron C25n. These datums provide four potentially useful stratigraphic markers for low through high latitude correlations in the Upper Paleocene.
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