Dmitrenko, O. B. (1995): Nannoplankton neogen-chetvertichnoy chasti razreza skvazhiny 362 (Yuzhnaya Atlantika) Nannoplankton of the Neogene and Quaternary section of DSDP Site 362, South Atlantic. MAIK "Nauka", Moscow, Russian Federation, Stratigrafiya, Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 3 (4), 75-78, georefid:1998-047442

West: -80.0000 East: 20.0000 North: 75.0000 South: -60.0000
West: NaN East: NaN North: NaN South: NaN
Expedition: 40
Site: 40-362
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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