Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Moore, Greg; Ashi, Juichiro; Taira, Asahiko; Aoki, Yutaka; Katahira, Tadahiro (1994): Re-processing and re-interpretation of two JAPEX seismic reflection profiles from the Nankai accretionary prism. Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States, In: Anonymous, Geological Society of America, 1994 annual meeting, 26 (7), 270, georefid:1995-022939

West: 134.5630 East: 157.5045 North: 32.2524 South: 31.0326
Expedition: 131
Site: 131-808
Expedition: 132
Expedition: 196
Site: 196-808
Data access:
Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
Data set link: http://sedis.iodp.org/pub-catalogue/index.php?id=1995-022939 (c.f. for more detailed metadata)
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