Vlasova, I. E.; Kashkarova, V. G.; Kashkarov, L. L. (1987): Dating of basalts from Ninetyeast Ridge area by fission track and thermoluminescence analyses. [publisher varies], Prague, Czechoslovakia, In: Jelinek, E. (editor), The 2nd international conference on natural glasses, 2, 69, georefid:1989-018280

West: 87.5600 East: 90.0000 North: -9.5700 South: -26.1900
Expedition: 31
Expedition: 58
Data access:
Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
Data set link: http://sedis.iodp.org/pub-catalogue/index.php?id=1989-018280 (c.f. for more detailed metadata)
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