Elderfield, H.; Swart, Peter K.; McKenzie, Judith A.; Williams, A. (1993): The strontium isotopic composition of pore waters from Leg 133; Northeast Australian margin. Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: McKenzie, Judith A., Davies, Peter J., Palmer-Julson, Amanda A., Betzler, Christian G., Brachert, Thomas C., Chen, Min-Pen Philip, Crumbiere, Jean-Pierre, Dix, George R., Droxler, Andre W., Feary, David A., Gartner, Stefan, Glenn, Craig R., Isern, Alexandra, Jackson, Peter D., Jarrard, Richard D., Katz, Miriam E., Konishi, Kenji, Kroon, Dick, Ladd, John W., Martin, Jose Manuel, McNeill, Donald F., Montaggioni, Lucien F., Muller, Daniel W., Omarzai, Sheraz Khan, Pigram, Chris J., Swart, Peter K., Symonds, Philip A., Watts, Keith F., Wei, Wuchang, Stewart, Sondra K. (editor), Marin, Jennifer A. (editor), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Northeast Australian Margin; covering Leg 133 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Apra Harbor, Guam, to Townsville, Australia, sites 811-826, 4 August-11 October 1990, 133, 473-480, georefid:1996-013004

West: 146.1721 East: 150.0232 North: -16.2522 South: -19.1332
Expedition: 133
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