Zahn, Rainer; Pedersen, Thomas F. (1991): Late Pleistocene evolution of surface and mid-depth hydrography at the Oman margin; planktonic and benthic isotope records at Site 724. Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: Prell, Warren L., Niitsuma, Nobuaki, Emeis, Kay-Christian, Al-Sulaiman, Zaher Khalid, Al-Tobbah, Ahmed Nasser Khalfan, Anderson, David M., Barnes, Ross O., Bilak, Roman A., Bloemendal, Jan, Bray, Cynthia J., Busch, William H., Clemens, Steven C., de Menocal, Peter, Debrabant, Pierre, Hayashida, Akira, Hermelin, J. Otto R., Jarrard, Richard D., Krissek, Lawrence A., Kroon, Dick, Murray, David W., Nigrini, Catherine A., Pedersen, Thomas F., Ricken, Werner, Shimmield, Graham B., Spaulding, Stacia A., Takayama, Toshiaki, ten Haven, H. Lo, Weedon, Graham P., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman Margin; covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987, 117, 291-308, georefid:1991-028958

West: 57.4709 East: 57.4709 North: 18.2743 South: 18.2743
Expedition: 117
Site: 117-724
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