Rothe, P. (1979): Shallow-water carbonates from Site 384. Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: Tucholke, B. E., Vogt, P. R., Murdmaa, I. O., Rothe, P., Houghton, R. L., Galehouse, J. S., McNulty, C. L., Jr., Okada, H., Kendrick, J. W., Demars, K. R., McCave, I. N., Kaneps, A. (editor), Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 43 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Istanbul, Turkey to Norfolk, Virginia, June-August, 1975, 421-455, georefid:1980-001541

West: -51.4000 East: -51.3900 North: 40.2200 South: 40.2100
Expedition: 43
Site: 43-384
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