Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N. (1969): Coccolith age determinations; Leg 1, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project -- V. 1, Leg 1 of cruises of Glomar Challenger, Orange, Tex., to Hoboken, N. J., Aug.-Sept. 1968, 1, 369-387, georefid:1969-037994

Over 400 coccolith samples were investigated by electron-microscope and light-microscope techniques. Following a brief summary of the coccolith stratigraphy for each drilling site, age-diagnostic species in selected samples are listed, and the geologic ages determined are summarized graphically. Electron micrographs of 42 coccoliths are included.
West: -93.0000 East: -67.0000 North: 31.0000 South: 23.0000
Expedition: 1
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