Olsen, Casper; Hongdul, Thanong; Fabricius, Ida Lykke (2008): Prediction of Archie's cementation factor from porosity and permeability through specific surface. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK, United States, Geophysics, 73 (2), E81-E87, georefid:2008-080670

Based on Archie's cementation factor as measured on North Sea chalk and on published data, we explore how the cementation factor depends on other physical properties of the chalk. A relationship between cementation factor and specific surface with respect to bulk volume is obtained for chalk. This leads to how Archie's cementation factor may be predicted from porosity and permeability for chalk as well as for sandstone. A common relationship between cementation factor and specific surface with respect to bulk volume calculated from porosity and permeability is obtained. As an alternative, the a-factor in Archie's equation is related to specific surface with respect to bulk volume, but the relationship is less clear than the simple relationship between cementation factor and specific surface.
West: -78.4422 East: -78.4422 North: 12.4437 South: 12.4437
Expedition: 165
Site: 165-999
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