Guernet, Claude; Bellier, Jean-Pierre (2000): Ostracodes paleocenes et eocenes du Blake Nose (Leg ODP 171B) et evolution des environnements bathyaux au large de la Floride Blake Nose Paleocene and Eocene Ostracoda, ODP Leg 171B, and bathyal environmental evolution off Florida. Elsevier, Paris, France, Revue de Micropaleontologie, 43 (4), 249-279, georefid:2004-012649

Ostracods picked from one hundred and seventy Maastrichtian to Upper Eocene samples from sites 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052 and 1053 are described. Some 70 Palaeocene and Eocene species have been distinguished. Ostracods are often rare in the Palaeocene, but numerous and diversified in the Eocene, particularly in the Middle and Upper Eocene. However psychrospheric genera are sporadic and, after a total or subtotal extinction of the Cretaceous species at the end of the Maastrichtian, species which appear at the beginning of the Palaeocene are, mostly, still present in the Eocene. The age of the inception of the psychrosphere is discussed and preceeds the Eocene. Clinocosta triangularis n. subgen. n.sp. are described while the stratigraphical significance of Abyssobairdia anisovalva, a supposed Pontocyprididae, Abyssocythere trinidadensis, Pennyella fortedimorphica, Bathypterocythereis bathypteron, Retibythere? sp. 1 and Nobodythere? sp. 3 is analysed.
West: -76.3800 East: -76.0600 North: 30.0900 South: 29.5500
Expedition: 171B
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