Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Pekar, Stephen F.; Madof, Andrew S. (2007): Is there a role for sequence stratigraphy in chronostratigraphy?. Micropaleontology Press, New York, NY, United States, In: McGowran, Brian (editor), Beyond the GSSP; new developments in chronostratigraphy, 4 (2-3), 217-229, georefid:2008-106434

Sequence stratigraphy revolutionized the field of stratigraphy in the late 1970s and 1980s by providing an interpretive depositional framework for integrating diverse stratigraphic data at the scale of sedimentary basins. However, a lack of consensus on criteria for recognizing, mapping and hence dating sequence boundaries, interpretations of uneven quality, and doubts about the universal eustatic origin and global synchrony of unconformity-related sequences limit the usefulness of sequence stratigraphy in chronostratigraphy.
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