Fuller, M.; Kidane, T.; Ali, J. (2002): AF demagnetization characteristics of NRM, compared with anhysteretic and saturation isothermal remanence; an aid in the interpretation of NRM. Pergamon, Oxford-New York-Toronto, International, In: Aubourg, Charles (editor), Elmore, D. (editor), Hirt, A. (editor), Pesonen, L. J. (editor), Peters, C. (editor), Petrovsky, E. (editor), Scholger, R. (editor), Rock magnetism and its applications, 27 (25-31), 1169-1177, georefid:2005-065625

West: 42.0000 East: 152.5500 North: 13.0000 South: -34.2328
Expedition: 182
Site: 182-1128
Expedition: 194
Site: 194-1198
Site: 194-1199
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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