Gibbs, Samantha; Bralower, Tim J.; Bybell, Laurel M. (2004): Shelf versus open-marine nannofossils of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. International Nannoplankton Association, The Hague, International, In: Cachao, Mario (convener), Marques da Silva, Carlos (convener), Ferreira, Jorge (convener), Lee, Celia (convener), Lees, Jackie (convener), Ribeiro, Bruno (convener), Narciso, Aurea (convener), Guerreiro, Catarina (convener), Oliveira, Anabela (convener), Bizarro, Aurelia (convener), Viana, Marta (convener), Moita, Maria Teresa (convener), Silva, Alexandra (convener), 10th conference of the International Nannoplankton Association; abstracts, 26 (2), 46, georefid:2005-050949