Barker, Peter; Camerlenghi, Angelo; O'Brien, Phil E.; Cooper, Alan (2003): History of the Antarctic ice sheet. Joint Oceanographic Institutes, Washington, DC, United States, In: White, Kasey (editor), Urquhart, Elspeth (editor), ODP highlights, 15, georefid:2004-014174

A study of the Cenozoic history of the Antarctic ice sheet using data from ODP Sites 1095 and 1166, including sea level changes, paleoclimate and climate change. (MTE)
West: -78.2916 East: 74.4800 North: -66.5907 South: -67.4200
Expedition: 178
Site: 178-1095
Expedition: 188
Site: 188-1166
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Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
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