Lebrun, J. F.; Karner, G. D.; Caress, D.; Collot, J. Y.; Coffin, M.; Delteil, J.; Edwards, M.; Falvey, D.; Fang, J.; Helmsley, C.; Lamarche, G.; Mann, P.; Massell, C.; Ramsay, D.; Schuur, L.; Sosson, M. (1995): Flexural coupling between the over- and under-riding plates of the Puysegur subduction system. New Zealand Geophysical Society, Wellington, New Zealand, In: Anonymous, New Zealand Geophysical Society symposium 1995; Subduction systems and processes in New Zealand; programme and abstracts, 1995, georefid:1999-042064

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West: NaN East: NaN North: NaN South: NaN
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