Polanco, Emerson F.; Dowsett, Harry J. (1993): Pliocene planktic foraminifer census data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 463 and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 769B. U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, United States, Open-File Report - U. S. Geological Survey, OF 93-0308, 6 pp., georefid:1994-020892

West: 121.1742 East: 174.4004 North: 21.2101 South: 8.4706
Expedition: 124
Site: 124-769
Expedition: 62
Site: 62-463
Data access:
Provider: SEDIS Publication Catalogue
Data set link: http://sedis.iodp.org/pub-catalogue/index.php?id=1994-020892 (c.f. for more detailed metadata)
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