Kennett, James P.; von der Borch, Christopher C.; Baker, Paul A.; Barton, Charles E.; Boersma, Anne; Dudley, Walter C., Jr.; Gardner, James V.; Jenkins, D. Graham; Lohman, William H.; Morin, R.; Martini, Erlend; Merrill, Russell B.; Nelson, Campbell S.; Robert, Christian; Srinivasan, M. S.; Stein, Ruediger; Takeuchi, Akira (1983): Neogene and Paleogene paleoceanography of the South Pacific; DSDP Leg 90. Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States, In: The Geological Society of America, 96th annual meeting, 15 (6), 611, georefid:1986-056841

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