Hailwood, Ernest A.; Vashisht, N. (1991): Paleomagnetism of igneous rocks drilled on Leg 114. Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: Ciesielski, Paul F., Kristoffersen, Yngve, Clement, Bradford M., Blangy, Jean-Pierre, Bourrouilh, Robert, Crux, Jason A., Fenner, Juliane M., Froelich, Philip N., Hailwood, Ernest A., Hodell, David A., Katz, Miriam E., Ling, Hsin Yi, Mienert, Juergen, Mueller, Daniel W., Mwenifumbo, C. Jonathan, Nobes, David C., Nocchi, Marisa, Warnke, Detlef A., Westall, Frances, Subantarctic South Atlantic; covering Leg 114 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, East Cove, Falkland Islands, to Port Louis, Mauritius, Sites 698-704, 11 March 1987-13 May 1987, 114, 387-406, georefid:1991-017160

West: -33.0558 East: 7.5341 North: -47.0303 South: -51.2731
Expedition: 114
Site: 114-698
Site: 114-703
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