Mix, Alan C.; Tiedemann, Ralf; Blum, Peter; Abrantes, Fatima F.; Benway, Heather; Cacho-Lascorz, Isabel; Chen, Min-Te; Delaney, Margaret L.; Flores, Jose-Abel; Giosan, Liviu; Holbourn, Ann E.; Irino, Tomohisa; Iwai, Masao; Joseph, Leah H.; Kleiven, Helga F.; Lamy, Frank; Lund, Steven P.; Martinez, Philippe; McManus, Jerry F.; Ninnemann, Ulysses S.; Pisias, Nicklas G.; Robinson, Rebecca S.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Sturm, Arne; Wara, Michael W.; Wei, Wuchang (2003): Site 1242. Texas A&M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: Mix, Alan C., Tiedemann, Ralf, Blum, Peter, Abrantes, Fatima F., Benway, Heather, Cacho-Lascorz, Isabel, Chen, Min-Te, Delaney, Margaret L., Flores, Jose-Abel, Giosan, Liviu, Holbourn, Ann E., Irino, Tomohisa, Iwai, Masao, Joseph, Leah H., Kleiven, Helga F., Lamy, Frank, Lund, Steven P., Martinez, Philippe, McManus, Jerry F., Ninnemann, Ulysses S., Pisias, Nicklas G., Robinson, Rebecca S., Stoner, Joseph S., Sturm, Arne, Wara, Michael W., Wei, Wuchang, May, Krista L. (editor), Miller, Angeline T. (editor), Peters, Lorri L. (editor), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports, Southeast Pacific paleoceanographic transects; covering Leg 202 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Valparaiso, Chile, to Balboa, Panama; sites 1232-1242, 29 March-30 May 2002, 202, georefid:2004-021641