Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T.; Firth, John V.; Andersson, Eva M.; Aoike, Kan; Becker, Keir; Brown, Kimberly A.; Buatier, Martine D.; Constantin, Marc; Elderfield, Henry; Goncalves, Carlos A.; Grigel, Jens S.; Hunter, Arlene G.; Inoue, Atsuyuki; Lawrence, Roisin M.; Macdonald, Robert; Marescotti, Pietro; Martin, Jeffrey T.; Monnin, Christophe; Mottl, Michael J.; Pribnow, Daniel F. C.; Stein, Joshua S.; Su, Xin; Sun, Yue-feng; Underwood, Michael B.; Vanko, David A.; Wheat, Geoffrey (1997): Hydrothermal transition transect (sites 1023, 1024, and 1025). Texas A & M University, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, United States, In: Davis, Earl E., Fisher, Andrew T., Firth, John V., Andersson, Eva M., Aoike, Kan, Becker, Keir, Brown, Kimberly A., Buatier, Martine D., Constantin, Marc, Elderfield, Henry, Goncalves, Carlos A., Grigel, Jens S., Hunter, Arlene G., Inoue, Atsuyuki, Lawrence, Roisin M., Macdonald, Robert, Marescotti, Pietro, Martin, Jeffrey T., Monnin, Christophe, Mottl, Michael J., Pribnow, Daniel F. C., Stein, Joshua S., Su, Xin, Sun, Yue-feng, Underwood, Michael B., Vanko, David A., Wheat, Geoffrey, Miller, Angeline T. (editor), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust; eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, covering Leg 168 of the cruises of the Drilling Joides Resolution, San Francisco, California, to Victoria, British Columbia, sites 1023-1032, 20 June-15 August 1996, 168, 49-100, georefid:1998-045395