Suto, Itsuki (2004): Fossil marine diatom resting spore morpho-genus Xanthiopyxis Ehrenberg in the North Pacific and Norwegian Sea. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Paleontological Research, 8 (4), 283-310, georefid:2011-076692

Fossil marine diatom resting spore species in the morpho-genus Xanthiopyxis Ehrenberg are described using samples from DSDP Site 338 in the Norwegian Sea, Sites 436 and 438 in the northwest Pacific and from the onland section at Newport Beach, California. Xanthiopyxis is characterized by numerous knobs, spines and bristles covering the entire valve face. In this paper eleven species, of which seven are new species, are described and their stratigraphic ranges are presented: X. polaris Gran, X. norwegica Suto, sp. nov., X. brevispinosa Suto, sp. nov., X. teneropunctata Suto, sp. nov., X. lanceolatus Suto, sp. nov., X. circulatus Suto, sp. nov., X. reticulata Suto, sp. nov., X. obesa Suto, sp. nov., X. hirsuta Hanna and Grant, X. oblonga Ehrenberg and X. globosa Ehrenberg. In addition, resting spores which lack sufficient characteristics to identify easily are assigned to three informal species: Xanthiopyxis type A (knobbly type), X. type B (short spiny type) and X. type C (long spiny type).
West: -117.5400 East: 145.3329 North: 67.4707 South: 33.3700
Expedition: 38
Site: 38-338
Expedition: 56
Site: 56-436
Expedition: 57
Site: 57-438
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