Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B.; Wise, Sherwood W. (2005): The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program with the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, Hokkaido, Japan, Scientific Drilling (Electronic version), 2005 (1), 40-43, georefid:2007-127003

The inaugural SHALlow DRILling (SHALDRIL) expedition set out from Punta Arenas, Chile in March of 2005. The primary objective of this initial cruise is to show that drilling from an icebreaker platform is feasible on the Antarctic continental shelf. Cores will be obtained of three new sedimentary sequences. The design of the drilling system shows new, improved technology to drill in gravel glacial sediments in depths of several hundred meters. The scientific objectives of SHALDRIL are outlined along with future plans for the program. (mte)
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