Nilsen, T. H.; Bartow, J. A.; Stump, E.; Link, M. H. (1977): New occurrences of dish structure in the stratigraphic record. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK, United States, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 47 (3), 1299-1304, georefid:1978-009256

Several new occurrences of dish structure are documented herein: (1) Precambrian hornfels in the central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica; (2) Precambrian deltaic siltites of the Belt Supergroup in northern Idaho; (3) Oligocene turbidite sandstone recovered in a DSDP core from a small ridge located southeast of Jan Mayen Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; (4) Oligocene fluvial deposits in the Caliente Range, California; and (5) Pliocene lacustrine deposits in the Ridge Basin, California.
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