Karato, Shun-ichiro; Becker, Keir (1983): Porosity and hydraulic properties of sediments from the Galapagos spreading center and their relation to hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, 88 (B2), 1009-1017, georefid:1983-024675

DSDP legs 69 and 70. Gradients of porosity and density with depth where sediment layers are thin (Sigma 50 m thick) are anomalously high compared with those of other areas. Good correlation was found between the anomalous porosity and density gradients and the present-day heat flow. High gradients may be due to active hydrothermal circulation through a thin sediment cover, which is inhibited by a thicker sediment layer; pattern of hydrothermal circulation may be essentially fixed with the moving plate. Interpretation that a threshold thickness of about 50 m would inhibit direct diffuse discharge or recharge of hydrothermal flow through the undisturbed sediment layer yields an average permeability of the underlying basement layer of about 3-6 X 10 (super -14) m (super 2) (30-60 mdarcies).--Modified journal abstract.
West: -87.0000 East: -83.4500 North: 3.0000 South: .0000
Expedition: 69
Expedition: 70
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